Just Resolve for

Small Businesses can ill-afford the distractions, costs, and delays of legal disputes. Just Resolve lets you focus on what you do best:
- Specify us in contracts and get free “insurance” against costly litigation
- Bridge the gap: Quit suffering extortion from crazies and opportunists while having to forego valid claims because of high legal costs
- Use us only when negotiations fail, and then get fast, affordable, real justice
- Enhance your company’s image and reputation as a business partner
- Potentially save valued relationships when someone has made a mistake
- Propose us and learn much about who you are doing business with

Construction disputes cause costly domino delays and other consequences that can destroy often-narrow profit margins. Just Resolve slashes both these risks and losses in several ways:
- Specify us in contracts and get free “insurance” against costly litigation
- Bridge the gap: Quit suffering extortion from crazies and opportunists while having to forego valid claims because of high legal costs
- Save time by pre-selecting neutral arbiters with specific expertise
- Use us only when negotiations fail, and then get fast, affordable, real justice as either an advisory recommendation or binding decision
- Enhance your company’s image and reputation as a business partner
- Potentially save valued relationships when someone has made a mistake
- Propose us and learn much about who you are doing business with
- Use two-tiered dispute resolution clauses to assure correct paths for limited and high-stakes disputes

At the beginning of any venture, both investor and company capital are precious. Just Resolve preserves that capital for its intended uses:
- Free “insurance” for start-ups and investors against costly litigation
- Doesn’t disrupt trusted advisors’ roles
- Dramatically reduces everyone’s time and costs when in a dispute
- Propose it and learn much about who you are doing business with
- Enhance everyone’s reputations and relationships as business partners

Just Resolve is a complementary tool for lawyers to better serve their clients:
For litigators
- A reliable place to refer uneconomic disputes that still need justice
- The way to deliver better net results to clients in limited-stakes disputes
- A powerful negotiating tool that exposes posturing and improves your ability to reach an early settlement of differences
- Can be a binding process or an early neutral evaluation option
- Enhance your role as a trusted advisor
- Know that you’ve put your client’s overall best interests first
For transactional attorneys (i.e., by specifying just resolve in contracts …):
- Give your clients free “insurance” against litigation with commercial partners
- Keep your role as trusted counsel and advisor of first resort
- Dramatically reduce your clients’ time and costs when in disputes
- Gain key insights about the people with whom your clients are doing business
- Enable clients to get real, proportional justice in common business disputes
- Enhance your clients’ reputations and relationships as business partners
- Use two-tiered and custom dispute resolution clauses to assure correct paths for limited and high-stakes disputes

No matter how big the business, some disputes lack the high stakes to warrant using outside counsel. This is where Just Resolve enhances company profits by saving time, money, and unproductive distractions:
- Specify us in contracts and get free “insurance” against costly litigation
- Bridge the gap: Quit suffering extortion from crazies and opportunists while having to forego valid claims because of high legal costs
- Use us only when negotiations fail, and then get fast, affordable, real justice
- Enhance your company’s image and reputation as a business partner
- Propose us and learn much about who you are doing business with
- In negotiations, expose posturing and obtain more principled settlements
- Use two-tiered dispute resolution clauses to assure correct paths for limited and high- stakes disputes
- In a high-stakes case, use us for a cost-effective early neutral evaluation

Just Resolve helps employers and employees with honest differences resolve problems better and more economically.
- An independent and neutral alternative for quickly resolving grievances
- Can be adopted in an employment agreement, handbook, or specific instance as either an advisory or binding process
- Flexibility, affordability, and mutual dignity in one, simple “get-it-done” process
- Settle legal claims without paying a big chunk in lawyer’s fees
- Lets both sides’ savings in legal fees enable a just result
- Employers earn and build a reputation for fairness
- Employees avoid a public record and reputation of suing employers